Why You Should Ask for Help - Minesh Shah, Infrared Capital Partners

Minesh Shah is a strong believer in progressing your career by asking for help. He works as Investment Director at Infrared Capital Partners, where he manages a renewable energy fund that’s over $2 billion in size. Starting his career during the credit crisis in 2008, he’s faced many challenges throughout his work life that he’s been able to learn from. In this video he shares a number of those lessons and advice for young people (some of which is particularly particularly relevant to the times we’re living in).

Some of the topics he talks about include:

  • The challenges of starting your career during a period of uncertainty and 3 things you can do to help yourself
  • Why you need to be open to asking for and receiving feedback 
  • The universal traits that all successful people have, regardless of degree or career choice
  • How young people can find their passion
  • Networking advice for anyone who feels nervous about reaching out for help 

The Circl Interview Series asks leaders of the UK’s most exciting businesses to share their career paths and advice with the next generation of talent. Check out our other interviews with professionals from organisations such as the Bank of England, Willis Towers Watson and Ernst & Young.